Thursday, March 31, 2011

So Much for the Last Swig

So Much for the Last Swig, originally uploaded by SwappyIT.

There's Clicks ready to be made at each nook and corner around us, All it takes is a look.

This Lazy, Not so Li'l, Non curvaceous, Modest and Sober looking bottle of Jacob's have been My Model for past one week.

What a journey, and What a test of Patience.

Ahh that One Last Swig

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

I still got to get Presents :)

I still got to get Presents :), originally uploaded by SwappyIT.

Shot on my B'day :)

No Matter how you age , B'days always have that special feeling, It had been dying , no special feeling, no charm to celebrate, but Home is Something which always have smthng for you.

Celebrated the day with Mom Dad, and some ol' friends.

A Charm , Rejuvenated and Charged up :)

The Routine

The Routine, originally uploaded by SwappyIT.

Shot taken at G K S Dam near Guna (M.P. , India).
I dilemma existed while clicking, while posting and still here while blogging,
What should be the extent of Privacy ?
What should be the extent a Photographer can proceed ?
Where should one Stop ?

Creative Nudity and Pornography have always walked on the thin line.
This shot though not provocative, still made me think !

Good Morning People :)

Good Morning People :), originally uploaded by SwappyIT.

One of those Lucky Moments, When you really wake up early despite being in the I.T. job ;)
Shot Early in the morning , and Fortunately Came up as I Imagined.
Hope you all have a Wonderful morning always (ironically this is Written almost 1:30 AM ;) ).